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Don't Be Disappointed!

Jul 23, 2023 - By Claudio

Life is filled with little disappointments. The birthday card that doesn’t arrive on time, the taxi driver whose meter runs faster than normal, the moment your best friend cancels coffee hour at the last moment.

We roll with it. We adapt. We tell ourselves it’s not a big deal but there’s that small tug in our heart nevertheless.

You don’t want to be disappointed when you pick up roses for your mom on Mother’s Day or when the guy you dated for the first time last night, has roses delivered to you at work.

Ecuador Direct Roses will never disappoint you. We promise. Our roses have a vase life of fourteen days minimum. Fourteen days of enjoying the beauty around you: of being reminded that someone cares. We only wish the one who sent them to you could see your face each time you walk by our roses and stop and smile.