Why Ecuadorian roses are the best?

I’ve seen florists and customers raise an eyebrow when I declare, “Roses from Ecuador are the best, why would you want anything else?”
I have to smile because, to be blunt, roses from Ecuador simply grow blooms and they last longer…
But what does this mean, exactly?
Several key factors contribute to my statement.
First, Ecuador is on the equator, and this means that in every season of the year, we have twelve hours of steady sunlight every day!
We’re up in the Andes, in the mountains where the combination of our equatorial location plus altitude, makes our rose farms closer to the sun. This is important because the combination allows our roses to grow longer stems and larger, fuller blooms.
Did you know that high altitude also means a lack of insects and organisms normally found at lower elevations? So our roses are healthier because they haven’t been damaged in the growth process.
The pure water of the Andes and exceptionally nutritious soil further enhance this ideal environment.
All these factors result in a longer growing cycle, typically fifteen weeks at our farms as opposed to the standard eight weeks.
Longer growth cycles mean longer stems, larger heads, and color varieties not found elsewhere. Fresh-Cut Roses you can have a look at all our varieties that comes directly from our farm to your store/home. Many of our customers especially love our bi-colored roses that have different hues on the insides and edges of the petals.
So our roses simply grow larger and healthier and last longer than those from other rose-growing countries like Africa, Holland, or Colombia.
Did you know that over five hundred varieties of roses flourish here in Ecuador? Makes you think it would be hard to choose, right? But don’t worry, we’re always here to help you select your favorites.
Call: (210) 591-8591 / (805) 259-3630 (toll-free from U.S.)